
Domestic Abuse Informed School Service
Would you like to be a Domestic Abuse informed school?
On average a child spends 779 hours in school each year. That’s a lot of opportunities to offer support and safe environment to a child who suffers from abuse. But how confident are you and your staff in supporting children affected by domestic abuse?
Domestic Abuse Informed School initiative has been created by Next Chapter to raise awareness of domestic abuse and give support to children and young people effected by domestic abuse. Our DA Informed School programme provides domestic abuse training sessions for teaching staff, group workshops for students and 1-1 support.

Around 1 in 5 children have been exposed to domestic abuse. Exposure to domestic abuse is child abuse. Being a victim of abuse has a serious impact on children’s health, development, wellbeing and learning.
The Next Chapter’s specialist Children and Young People’s Team composed of Family Domestic Abuse Practitioners and Young People Violence Advisors, work with families affected by domestic abuse. Support offered is personalised to client’s needs.
The Next Chapter is the provider of DA Informed Schools training and workshops, which are intended to raise awareness and knowledge and understanding of domestic abuse to schools. The training aims to ensure that staff understand the reality of living in an abusive household and how children and young people’s trauma may present itself in the classroom. We want to ensure your staff can respond appropriately and effectively to children and young people who have experienced abuse and to access support available. Our healthy relationship workshop for students focuses on helping children and young people understand what inappropriate, controlling or abusive behaviour in a relationship is, and what to do about it if they experience behaviour that upsets, frightens or harms them. Each session is designed to be age appropriate, active, fun and engaging, but also challenging.
We offer three packages depending on your school’s needs.
Email us for prices and further information.
- DA for Professionals Training
- Healthy Relationships Workshop - 2 year groups + merchandise
- Drop-in Sessions - 1 per month
- Staff Champion for Year Group
- Designated DA Lead for Staff
- DA Student Lead
- DA Policy
- DA Procedure
- Direct Referral Process
- Certification, Prospectus, Admin & Professional Support (DA Policy & Procedure)
- DA for Professionals Training
- Healthy Relationships Workshop - 2 year groups + merchandise
- Designated DA Lead for Staff
- DA Policy
- DA Procedure
- Direct Referral Process
- Certification, Admin & Professional Support (DA Policy & Procedure)
- DA for Professionals Training
- Healthy Relationships Workshop - 2 year groups + merchandise
- Designated DA Lead for Staff
- Direct Referral Process
- Certification, Admin & Professional Support
Families that are referred to us through the DA School Initiative programme will benefit from the following:
- Group support for parent affected by domestic abuse
- 1:1 support of a key worker for parents affected by DA
- Groups for children affected by abuse (direct and/or indirect)
- 1:1 support for children affected by abuse
- Drawing and talking
- Lego therapy
- Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence - programme package and 1:1 support