TRIBE is a trauma-informed group intervention designed by the Next Chapter for children and young people affected by domestic abuse.

TRIBE is an 8-week programme that offers educational and emotional support for children and young people (no adults allowed 😊). The programme works in correlation to Hand in Hand – our programme for non-abusive parents.

TRIBE is based on collaborative experience and knowledge of Children and Young People’s Domestic Abuse Practitioners, but it also includes suggestions and interests shared by our young clients. The aim of the programme is to provide children and young people with a safe forum and peer support to explore their emotions; feelings; and believes about abuse, separation and loss. All activities are fun and child-centred; and our facilitators use a lot of play for role-modelling purposes. We invite guest speakers (depending on area) to discuss with children and young people safety and to help them develop their individual safety plans.
If you would like to refer a child to TRIBE, please contact us on 01206 500585 or via our email which is info@thenextchapter.org.uk
Our CYP Team also offers one to one support; Drawing & Talking and Lego therapeutic techniques. For more information contact the CYP Team on the above details.